What do you do when …
The world is going crazy?
The culture has lost its mind?
There seems to be chaos and anarchy all around us?
Evil men seem to be prospering?
All of this is affecting you and your family?
Your heart is gripped with fear at where it is going?
Personal tragedy comes your way?
You’re in a problem that seems to have no resolution?
You are confused about God and what He seems to be doing, or not doing?
You feel overwhelmed and defeated?
You are in deep grief?
The man or woman you are or will become is determined by where you look. The eyes of your heart determine the condition of your soul. The Psalmist gives us a model. He looked up.
10 So I say, “I am grieved that the right hand of the Most High has changed.”
11 I will remember the Lord’s works; yes, I will remember your ancient wonders.
12 I will reflect on all you have done and meditate on your actions.
13 God, your way is holy. What god is great like God?
14 You are the God who works wonders. You revealed Your strength among the peoples.
15 With power You redeemed Your people, the descendants of Jacob and Joseph.
Notice the verbs that describe his deliberate actions. Each of these takes time and intentionality.
I will REMEMBER (twice)
The Psalmist decided that he would not place his eyes upon the problems. He turned from the confusing and concerning view around Him and He looked deeply and continually at the one, true God.
We have the ability to do this, for God has revealed Himself in ways we can see. Creation shouts to us, the Scripture tells us everything we need to know about everything we need to know about and beautifully shows us God—His character, ways, outcomes—and, most completely, we can look at Christ, who is the fullness of God. “If you’ve seen Me,” Jesus said, “You’ve seen the Father. He is waiting to be seen and accessible with His Spirit’s help."
So deliberately, daily, through the means God has given, turn your eyes to God. Satan will try intensely to divert your gaze. He will make you feel there’s no time to do such nonsense as to “meditate” on God when all the problems are so pressing. When there are so many “interesting and important” things to look at. So many things more “entertaining.” But refuse his demonic temptations.
Mature, Presence-centered men and women have learned to find their center in heaven at the foot of the Throne all day long. They know how to pray without ceasing. To practice the presence of God. To turn their eyes upon Jesus and look full in His wonderful face.
And if you do, you will find, liked the Psalmist, that He is …
He works wonders
He’s revealed His strength among His people
His power has redeemed His people
He’s done it again and again and He will do it now. There is no need to worry, hurry, or fear. There is not one reason to be overwhelmed about what is happening, for the Sovereign Father is seated on His throne forever—unmovable, unshakeable, and in control. Your life—and even kings and rulers and nations and human history—is in His hands.
The world is consumed with a lateral view. Let your confidence in God help those around you as you look at Him and find your rest.
Post Written by Bill Elliff, August 2024. Bill Elliff is the Founding and National Engage Pastor of The Summit Church in North Little Rock, Arkansas. His passion is to see both genuine revival and methodological renewal in the church—both new wine and new wineskins. Used with permission.
Original Link to Post: https://billelliff.org/blogs/news/looking-in-all-the-right-places
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